
Pascal Geronimi
18. July 2012
The wave of BYOD (Bring you own device) is one of the hottest IT challenges of 2012. Much has been

Philipp Murkowsky
25. June 2012
Der Grund, warum sich die Entwicklung neuer Fachapplikationen oft unnötig verzögert und viel mehr

Philipp Murkowsky
16. April 2012
Agile Software-Entwicklung liegt im Trend. Methoden wie “Scrum” und “Extreme

Roland Studer
1. March 2012
Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand

Roland Studer
1. March 2012
Some pecha kucha slides for the discussion on how to combine user centered design processes with

Roland Studer
1. March 2012
Our square business cards, we would have made them cubes, but cubes don’t fit too well into